Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Summer School „Astronomy from Multiple Perspectives”
The Working Group Teaching Methodology in Physics and Astronomy hosts this year’s Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Summer School “Astronomy from Multiple Perspectives” dedicated to exploring the topic of compact objects. The event will take place from Monday, September 2nd, to Friday, September 6th, 2024 in the lecture hall 1 at our faculty. The conference will feature a lineup of speakers from institutions across Italy and Germany, who will present on a variety of topics, including Black Holes in General Relativity, The Hawking Effect and Related Quantum Effects at the Event Horizon, Formation and Evolution of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Dense Stellar Environments and Gravitational Waves from Compact Objects. All interested students, researchers, and faculty members are invited to attend the lecture hall program. The program is especially recommended for teacher degree students in physics and astronomy. For more details, including the full program and abstracts, visit our above-mentioned website or contact the organizing committee. Talks and tutorials on the subject of „Compact Objects“. Students of the University and those interested are invited to join the lecture hall program!
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Physik und Bakterien
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Öffentliche Samstagsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Christian Eggeling und Prof. Dr. Ralf Ehricht, Leibniz Institut für Photonische Technologien
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Öffentliche Samstagsvorlesung zum Internationalen Jahr der Quantenwissenschaften und -technologien der UNESCO
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Öffentliche Samstagsvorlesung zum Internationalen Jahr der Quantenwissenschaften und -technologien der UNESCO
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