Dr. Robert Klas at the EUV source. He is a laureate of the Hugo Geiger Award 2023.
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Dr. Robert Klas at the EUV source. He is a laureate of the Hugo Geiger Award 2023.
Image: Walter Oppel (Fraunhofer IOF)

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  1. PhD student Mathias Lenski is delighted with his award in front of the laboratories in the ACP.
    Image: Robert Klas (IAP)
  2. Artist's impression: Microscopic source for entangled photons. A laser (green) strikes a MoS2 crystal on a substrate. This emits long-wavelength photon pairs (red) which are entangled.
    Illustration: Christian Süß (Fraunhofer IOF)
  3. Georg R. Schwartz, PhD student at the research group Ultrafast Optics, proudly present his OPTICA Student Award at the lab in the IAP.
    Image: Ira Winkler
  4. Wafers with photonic circuits, as developed in the innovation centre.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  5. PD Dr. Jan Rothhardt and Prof. Jens Limpert with the EPS-QEOD Award of the Division of Quantum Electronics and Optics of the European Physical Society (EPS).
    Image: Mathias Lenski
  6. Scheme of a laboratory setup
    Illustration: IAP
  7. Symbolic image Optical system design
    Collage: Ira Winkler (Jens Meyer)
  8. material sample
    Image: Nicole Nerger (University Jena)
  9. (left) Image of a resolution test (Siemens star) taken with a wavelength of 13.5 nm at different zoom levels. A field-of-view of up to 100 µm x 100 µm and a spatial resolution of up to 18 nm could be achieved. (right) Measured complex field of the two EUV exposures used (top: OAM beam, bottom: diffuser beam).
    Image: W. Eschen, IAP
  10. Theme image: Cultural diversity
    Illustration: RunwayML (Ira Winkler)
  11. Portrait Dr. Thorsten A. Goebel
    Image: Fraunhofer IOF
  12. Ceremony for the award of the Federal Cross of Merit on 07.05.2024.
    Image: Jacob Schröter (TSK)
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