Walnsch, Alexander, Bauer, André, Freudenberger, Jens, Freiberg, Katharina, Wüstefeld, Christina, Vollmer, Malte, Lippmann, Stephanie, Niendorf, Thomas, Leineweber, Andreas, Kriegel, Mario J., Thermodynamically Guided Improvement of Fe–Mn–Al–Ni Shape-Memory Alloys, Advanced Materials, 36 (5), 2306794, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202306794External link
Nizovtseva, Irina, Ankudinov, Vladimir, Rahner, Eric, Lippmann, Stephanie, Climate related phase transitions with moving boundaries by virtue of mushy zone investigation in Al–Cu: Experiment and phase-field modeling, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 47 (8), 6853-6867, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.9901External link
Liu, Dongmei, Fang, Yindong, Nolte, Stefan, Lippmann, Stephanie, Dendritic Si growth morphologies in highly undercooled Al–Si alloys, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 31 520-528, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2024.05.252External link
Kozlov, Artem, Zhuo, Junsheng, Schmitt, Lisa-Yvonn, Zimmermann, Benjamin, Lippmann, Stephanie, Molybdenum – Nickel – Tungsten, in: H.J.S.a.H.K. K.C. (Ed.) Ternary Alloys: A Comprehensive Compendium of Evaluated Constitutional Data and Phase Diagrams, 2024, pp. 392-406, 2024.
Abel, Johann J., Apell, Jonathan, Wiesner, Felix, Reinhard, Julius, Wünsche, Martin, Felde, Nadja, Schmidl, Gabriele, Plentz, Jonathan, Paulus, Gerhard G., Lippmann, Stephanie, Fuchs, Silvio, Non-destructive depth reconstruction of Al-Al2Cu layer structure with nanometer resolution using extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography, Materials Characterization, 211 113894, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2024.113894External link
Liu, Poting, Makarova, Anna, Freiberg, Katharina, Grinter, David C., Sharma, Divanshu, Ferrer, Pilar, Chuvenkova, Olga, Deckert-Gaudig, Tanja, Turishchev, Sergey, Lippmann, Stephanie, Sivakov, Vladimir, Volcanic Eruption in the Nanoworld: Efficient Oxygen Exchange at the Si/SnO2 Interface, Small,n/a (n/a), 404508, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202404508External link
Wonneberger, Robert, Wisniewski, Wolfgang, Lippmann, Stephanie, Müller, Frank A., Gräf, Stephan, Undisz, Andreas, Surface amorphization of bulk NiTi induced by laser radiation, Surfaces and Interfaces, 38 02827, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfin.2023.102827External link
Nizovtseva, Irina, Palmin, Vladimir, Simkin, Ivan, Starodumov, Ilya, Mikushin, Pavel, Nozik, Alexander, Hamitov, Timur, Ivanov, Sergey, Vikharev, Sergey, Zinovev, Alexei, Svitich, Vladislav, Mogilev, Matvey, Nikishina, Margarita, Kraev, Simon, Yurchenko, Stanislav, Mityashin, Timofey, Chernushkin, Dmitrii, Kalyuzhnaya, Anna, Blyakhman, Felix, Assessing the Mass Transfer Coefficient in Jet Bioreactors with Classical Computer Vision Methods and Neural Networks Algorithms, Algorithms, 16 (3), 125, 2023. https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/16/3/125External link
Möbius, J., Lippmann, S., Seyring, M.,Vibratory polishing of multiphase CuZn30//CuZn80 diffusion pairs for electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) characterization, Practical Metallography, 60 (6), 363-381, 2023. https://doi.org/doi:10.1515/pm-2023-1043External link
Li, C. L., Ma, W., Liu, Z. H., Freiberg, K. E., Liu, G. J., Lang, X. Y., Lippmann, S., Zhu, Y. F., Jiang, Q., Improving Oxidation Resistance of Low Fe-Si Alloys by Preheating Treatment, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 54 (8), 3261-3270, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-023-07095-9External link
Kropotin, Nikolai, Fang, Yindong, Yu, Chu, Seyring, Martin, Freiberg, Katharina, Lippmann, Stephanie, Pinomaa, Tatu, Laukkanen, Anssi, Provatas, Nikolas, Galenko, Peter K., Modelling of the Solidifying Microstructure of Inconel 718: Quasi-Binary Approximation, Modelling, 4 (3), 323-335, 2023. https://www.mdpi.com/2673-3951/4/3/18External link
Apell, Jonathan, Wonneberger, Robert, Stöcker, Hartmut, Meye, Pauline, Freiberg, Katharina, Seyring, Martin, Lippmann, Stephanie, Undisz, Andreas, Effect of Co vs. Fe content on early stages of oxidation of Co-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni-Si complex concentrated alloys at 800 °C, Corrosion Science, 225 111594, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111594External link
Alexandrov, Dmitri V., Kao, Andrew, Galenko, Peter K., Lippmann, Stephanie, Starodumov, Ilya O., Demange, Gilles, Toropova, Liubov V., The shape of dendritic tips: the role of external impacts, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 232 (8), 1273-1279, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-023-00853-1External link
Walnsch, Alexander, Kaaden, Tobias, Fischer, Peter D. B., Motylenko, Mykhaylo, Seyring, Martin, Leineweber, Andreas, Lippmann, Stephanie, Formation of a nanoscale two-phase microstructure in Cu–Zn(Al) samples with macroscopic concentration gradient, Materials Characterization,192 112229, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2022.112229External link
Liu, S. Y., Liu, G. J., Yu, C., Lippmann, S., Zhu, Y. F., Jiang, Q., Effect of heat treatment on oxidation resistance of magnesium alloys with additions of calcium oxide, Corrosion Science, 207 110558, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110558External link
Li, Chenglong, Freiberg, Katharina, Tang, Yuntong, Lippmann, Stephanie, Zhu, Yongfu, Formation of Nanoscale Al2O3 Protective Layer by Preheating Treatment for Improving Corrosion Resistance of Dilute Fe-Al Alloys, in: Materials, 2022.
J. Ingber, S. Lippmann, Kunert, M., Two-body abrasion resistance of high-carbon metastable austenitic steels, Metals, 2022.
Galenko, P. K., Toropova, L. V., Alexandrov, D. V., Phanikumar, G., Assadi, H., Reinartz, M., Paul, P., Fang, Y., Lippmann, S., Anomalous kinetics, patterns formation in recalescence, and final microstructure of rapidly solidified Al-rich Al-Ni alloys, Acta Materialia, 241 118384, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2022.118384External link
Alexandrov, Dmitri V., Ivanov, Alexander A., Nizovtseva, Irina G., Lippmann, Stephanie, Alexandrova, Irina V., Makoveeva, Eugenya V., Evolution of a Polydisperse Ensemble of Spherical Particles in a Metastable Medium with Allowance for Heat and Mass Exchange with the Environment, Crystals,12 (7), 949, 2022. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4352/12/7/949External link
Fang, Y. D., Galenko, P. K., Liu, D. M., Hack, K., Rettenmayr, M., Lippmann, S., Thermodynamic description of metastable fcc/liquid phase equilibria and solidification kinetics in Al-Cu alloys, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380: 20200327 (2217), 2022. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2020.0327External link
Fang, H., Lippmann, S., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhu, M. F., Rettenmayr, M., Modelling of liquid film migration in Al-Cu alloys, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences,380: 20200328 (2217), 2022. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2020.0328External link
Z. Liu, Z. Xiao, Q. Sun, G. Liu, S. Lippmann, Y. Zhu, Oxidation Resistance of Magnesium Alloyed by Different Elements: a Brief Review, Research and Application of Materials Science, 3 18-25, 2021.
Wilhelmy, S, Zimare, A, Zhang, Q, Rettenmayr, M, Lippmann, S, Measurement of the Curie temperature based on temperature dependent thermal properties, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 124 105239, 2021.
Wilhelmy, Sönke, Zimare, Anton, Lippmann, Stephanie, Rettenmayr, Markus, A temperature gradient evaluation method for determining temperature dependent thermal conductivities, Measurement Science and Technology, 32 (10), 105601, 2021.
Seyring, M, Wanierke, F, Kaaden, T, Lippmann, S, Rettenmayr, M, Influence of natural oxide layers at Ni/NiAl interfaces on Ni3Al phase formation, Materials Characterization, 174 111032, 2021.
Saenko, Ivan, Engelhardt, Hannes, Hornig, Philipp, Fabrichnaya, Olga, Lippmann, Stephanie, Specific heat capacity of the intermetallics ε-Cu3Sn, η/η′-Cu6Sn5, Al3Ni and Al3Ni2, Calphad, 74 102294, 2021.
Kaaden, T, Tympel, V, Kober, M, Schmidl, F, Rettenmayr, M, Lippmann, S, Electric pulse heating device for the analysis of solid/solid phase transformations, Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 (7), 074703, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0051742
Kaaden, Tobias, Rettenmayr, Markus, Lippmann, Stephanie, Phase Identification in Multi-Phase Cu-Zn/Cu-Al Alloys with Macroscopic Concentration Gradients, Practical Metallography, 58 (2), 83-95, 2021.
Wonneberger, Robert, Lippmann, Stephanie, Abendroth, Barbara, Carlsson, Anna, Seyring, Martin, Rettenmayr, Markus, Undisz, Andreas, Bridging the gap between high temperature and low temperature oxidation of 316 L, Corrosion Science, 175 108884/108881-108888, 2020.
Lippmann, J. Fels, Cornish, L., Cu-In-Zn Ternary Phase Diagram Evaluation, in: A.W.e. MSI Eureka, (Lukas, Rogl et al. 2004) (Ed.), MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, 2020.
Kaaden, T, Wutzler, P, Lippmann, S, Occurrence and Morphology of Martensite in β-Cu-Zn Alloys with Minor Al Additions, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51 (7), 3403-3409, 2020.
A. Prince, H. Kumar, S. Lippmann, B. O. Adewuyi, K. K. Alaneme, J. O. Borode, Omotoyinbo, J. A., Al-Cu-Ni Ternary Phase Diagram Evaluation, in: A.W.e. MSI Eureka (Ed.), MSI, Materials Science International, Stuttgart, 2020.
Lippmann, Stephanie, Kemsies, Richard H, Schick, Michael, Milkereit, Benjamin, Kessler, Olaf, Rettenmayr, Markus, Hack, Klaus, Synthesis of pure intermetallic phases on the example of the ternary phase τ1 in the system Al-Fe-Ni, Intermetallics, 105 107-112, 2019.
Lippmann, S, Kaaden, T, Wutzler, P, Rettenmayr, M, The effect of adding Al on the occurrence and progress of massive transformation in Cu–Zn, Materialia,7 100367/100361-100367, 2019.
Lippmann, Stephanie, Apparatus and method for simultaneous determination of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity, in 2019.
Engelhardt, H, Mey, D, Lippmann, S, Liu, DM, Kiefer, S, Rettenmayr, M, Specifically designed concentration profiles created by sudden velocity changes during directional solidification, Journal of Crystal Growth, 506 97-101, 2019.
2018 and before
Lippmann, S, Simon, C, Zechel, S, Seyring, M, Schubert, US, Wilde, G, Rettenmayr, M, Determining solid/liquid interfacial energies in Al-Cu by curvature controlled melting point depression, Acta Materialia, 147 113-121, 2018.
Li, Chuanjun, Cao, Yang, Lippmann, Stephanie, Ren, Zhongming, Rettenmayr, Markus,Reduced Wettability of Solids by a Liquid Ga–In–Sn Alloy in a Steady Magnetic Field, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (48), 27451-27455, 2018.
Zhang, Qingyu, Lippmann, Stephanie, Grasemann, Aaron, Zhu, Mingfang, Rettenmayr, Markus, Determination of temperature dependent thermophysical properties using an inverse method and an infrared line camera, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 96 242-248, 2016.
S. Lippmann, I. Saenko, L. A. Dreval, Watson, A., Li-Sn Binary Phase Diagram Evaluation, in: G.E.e. MSI Eureka (Ed.), MSI, Materials Science International, Stuttgart 2016.
Markus Rettenmayr, Stephanie Fischer Germination d’une phase liquide à partir d’une phase solide, in: L.T.e. H. Combeau (Ed.) Les changements de phase solide-liquide-vapour: fondements et applications, CNRS Éditions, Paris, 2016.
Lippmann, Stephanie, Jung, In-Ho, Paliwal, Manas, Rettenmayr, Markus, Modelling temperature and concentration dependent solid/liquid interfacial energies, Philosophical Magazine, 96 (1), 1-14, 2016.
Rettenmayr, Markus, Kashin, Oleg, Lippmann, Stephanie, Simulation of liquid film migration during melting, in: V.M.e. A. Roosz (Ed.) Materials Science Forum, Solidification and Gravity VI, Trans Tech Publications, pp. 127-132, 2014.
Löffler, Andrea, Lippmann, Stephanie, Liu, Dongmei, Rettenmayr, Markus, Influence of time-variant temperature gradients on resolidifying mushy zones, Journal of crystal growth, 408 49-53, 2014.
Lippmann, Stephanie, Rettenmayr, Markus,Local supersaturation during melting in a temperature gradient, Philosophical magazine letters, 94 (11), 696-701, 2014.
Lippmann, Stephanie, Fink, Marcel, Rettenmayr, Markus, Experimental determination of the nucleation rate of melt in a solid solution, Acta Materialia, 72 32-40, 2014.
Fischer, Stephanie, Založnik, Miha, Seiler, J-M, Rettenmayr, Markus, Combeau, Hervé,Experimental verification of a model on melting and resolidification in a temperature gradient, Journal of alloys and compounds, 540 85-88, 2012.
Fischer, S, Rettenmayr, M, Observation of the formation of liquid droplets in steep temperature gradients, in: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing, pp. 012019/012011-012016, 2011.
Fischer, Stephanie, Rettenmayr, Markus, Observation of early melting stages of an Al–Cu alloy in a temperature gradient,International journal of materials research, 102 (10), 1226-1231, 2011.
Stephanie Fischer, Markus Rettenmayr Massivumwandlungen in niedrig legierten Titanlegierungen, in: M.R. G. Petzow (ed.), A. Kneissl (eds.) (Ed.) Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie, Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt/Main pp. 203-208, 2008.