Logo Project NOA
Graphic: NOAThe Collaborative Research Center (CRC/SFB) 1375 "NOA - Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic scales" is established at the Friedrich Schiller University in July 2019. NOA's vision is to develop a fundamental understanding of nonlinear optical processes down to the atomic scale. Thus, we will explore light-matter interactions with sub-nanometer resolution, advance current simulation schemes to enable a synergetic modeling of electromagnetic fields and quantum dynamics, and synthesize new sub-wavelength scale materials with high- and tailored nonlinearity. This will not only contribute to an improved fundamental understanding of nonlinear optics, but will also lay the foundation for new applications in frequency conversion and spectroscopy.
Both NOA theoretical and experimental projects are mutually interconnected and deal with complementary aspects of nonlinear optics including the exploration of new nonlinear processes and materials. The work will include the development of novel probes operating on scales much shorter than the optical wavelength. In order to access well-defined low-dimensional systems with atomic dimensions, state of the art nanostructuring technologies will be applied. In Jena, NOA can make use of a one-of-a-kind assembly of facilities, equipment and expertise for nanostructuring and imaging including electron beam lithography for large scale exposure, a helium ion microscope for defining and imaging structures down to the atomic level, and chemical expertise to synthetize well-defined nanoparticles and -wires and two-dimensional structures. To ensure the efficiency and functionality of NOA processes, an integrated research training group as a research training module, a management and coordination tool, and a service project dealing with nanostructure technology hast been established.
Within NOA's integrated Research Training Group (iRTG), all NOA PIs nurture the independent research spirit of doctoral researchers by giving them much freedom to reach their individual scientific goals. A visiting scientist program and short- as well as long-term scholarships offers additional qualification improvement possibilities. Furthermore, all young researchers are involved in organizing the annual colloquia and summer schools, and have the right to propose and contact distinguished scientists regarding their role as guest researchers for the CRC. Moreover, NOA's research training group forms a one-of-a-kind educational unit embedded within the two existing umbrella organizations for undergraduate and graduate education, the Abbe School of Photonics (ASP) and the Jena Graduate Academy de.