Graphic: MPSPThe Max Planck School of Photonics (MPSP)External link is an interdisciplinary, nationwide graduate school offering a unique, two-phase PhD program to excellent students from all over the world. It prides itself on a wide-ranging network including highly renowned research institutes and significant establishments within the photonics industry. Students thus first benefit from foundational education at one of the supporting universities in Jena, Karlsruhe, or Erlangen, and subsequently pursue their PhD research under the supervision and mentorship of one of the highly-qualified Max Planck Fellows. Students are further offered various networking and training opportunities exposing them to exciting career prospects within academia and beyond from the offset. Thanks to the financial support provided throughout the five-year program, students are able to take full advantage of the Max Planck School's endeavour to equip talented researchers for their future careers and position them accordingly.
The field of photonics is a dynamic scientific discipline as well as catalyst and key technology for various research areas and innovative branches of industry. Germany plays a central role in modern photonics research and education within Europe. Researchers embedded in a diverse landscape of universities and research organizations reveal excellent contributions to all relevant disciplines connected to photonics: from Attosecond physics to quantum optics, from fundamental research to industry-oriented applications.
The MPSP connects the most promising junior researchers with the best scientists within the German research of photonics. From the beginning, students are actively and sustainably integrated into the German research system. They are integrated in research groups and contribute to the unique research infrastructure at the different institutions with their projects. Thanks to coordinative workshops and training programs, a close network is established between the various actors, thus facilitating get-togethers of the most renowned researchers and emerging scientists of the German photonics landscape. The MPSP connects leading guest researchers and university scientists across different locations, disciplines and institutes, thereby enabling the qualification of the best international young scientists in an environment of excellency.
Abbe-Zentrum Beutenberg
Hans-Knöll-Straße 1
07745 Jena
Postal address:
Max Planck School of Photonics
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Albert-Einstein-Straße 15
07745 Jena