4-mirror telescope with freeform correction
watermark —

fo+ Freeform Optics Plus

4-mirror telescope with freeform correction
Picture: IAP-FSU Jena, H.Gross
Logo of the project fo+
Logo of the project fo+
Graphic: fo+, Schmidt

The research group was involved in the founded project fo+External link from 2014-2021. During this time the competence in freeform optical systems was developed with a focus on concepts, surface descriptions, optical design methods, aberration theory and performance evaluation. In this period a strong interaction with the project partners, in particular the Fraunhofer IOFExternal link in Jena was the basis for a very good progress in understanding this innovative approaches. In total 46 publications about freeform optical system demonstrate the success of the project. It gives the group an international visibility in this field.

[Funding reference numbers: 03WKCK1D, 03WKCK2, 03WKCX1C]


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