Helmholtzweg 5 (Yellow Building)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Helmholtzweg 5 (Yellow Building)
Image: Christian Zwick

Institute of Solid State Physics (IFK)

The Institute of Solid State Physics (IFK) is part of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (PAF) of the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) Jena. We focus on the research of the relations between structure and properties as well as on the synthesis and modification of solids and hybrid systems. Especially, we investigate photonic nano materials, semiconductors, 2D materials, and organic materials within the different working groups. Together with the Otto Schott Institute of Material Science (OSIM) and the Institute of Condensed Matter Theory and Optics (IFTO) we form in research and teaching the pillar "Solid State Physics / Material Science" within the PAF.

Red House

Postal address:
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena

Yellow House

Postal address:
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena